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Health and Safety



What forms do I need to fill out for ALL who attend camp

and where do I find them?


All attendees must register and also fill out the following forms prior to camp start date and can be found on our website.


Will there be medical support or care on-sight? 

We have amazing volunteers who are kind enough to share their talents and skills with us. In particular, we have a volunteer medical team that provides support and care to our campers.  If a camp attendee needs medical assistance beyond minor needs, the contact identified on health forms will be contacted. 


Will sunscreen and insect repellent be provided? 

We encourage campers to arrive at camp with sunscreen and insect repellent applied prior to drop off. Our medical support team has sunscreen and insect repellent available. Campers must have up to date healthcare forms on file that give permission for any medication, sunscreen, insect repellent. 


What if my kid is sick or gets sick at camp?

We ask for all campers and volunteers to be considerate and caring for our community and stay home if they are sick.  If a camper or a member of your household has a positive Covid-19 test, let the Camp Currie team know as soon as possible. Your camper will be eligible to pick up a "Camp Currie in a Box" kit that includes their t-shirt, patch, theme centric arts and craft supplies with instructions.  If a camper presents symptoms of illness at camp, they will be isolated, asked to mask, and their emergency contact will be contacted for immediate pick up. â€‹


What if a positive COVID-19 exposure occurs at camp?  

We will follow guidelines provided by Girl Scouts Together.  Families will be asked to use the guidance from the  Washington State Department of Health  regarding what to do when exposed.

  • DO NOT send them to camp this week if they show any symptoms:

    • Symptoms:

      • Fever of 100.4 or chills

      • Congestion or runny nose

      • Cough (new, changed, or worsening)

      • Nausea, Vomiting or Diarrhea

      • Sore Throat

      • Muscle/Body Aches

      •  Headache

      • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

      • Unusual Fatigue

      • Loss of taste or smell

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